Did you know that the Hoiho is a flightless bird with waterproof feathers? Hoiho are from one of the most ancient families of birds.
There are 16 species of penguins and they are all found in the southern hemisphere. The three species in New Zealand are the Yellow Eyed Penguin, the Fiorland Creasted Penguin and the Little Blue Penguin.
Hoiho are the fourth largest penguin in the world, it grows up to 65 cm tall and weighs 5 to 6 kg. They have short stubby flippers, dense waterproof feathers and bright pink feet.
The Yellow Eyed Penguins eat fish. When the eggs hatch one parent goes fishing while the other one looks looks after the chicks. When they come back the hungry chicks then thrust their beaks into the parents mouth for the food.
I think New Zealanders shouldn't hunt Hoiho because there won't be many left.
By Bruce Kahi